This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Mrs. Smith’s for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine. So this happened at Thanksgiving. Yes, that is a cherry pie, in the drawer of my oven. You see prior to being selected to try Mrs. Smith’s Signature Deep Dish pies, I told my Mom […]
Archives for November 2012
Favorite Things Thursday
I totally got the short end of the stick in the hair/skin & nails department. My hair is thin and fuzzy. I get zits like a 16 year old. Annnnndddd my nails are super duper thin and bendy. Bendy nails? It’s a medical term. My nails are not even strong enough to take off my […]
Chicken Burgers
Who came up with the rule that women need to shave their legs? No, I’m not some hippie that has hair under my arms long enough to braid, I’m just annoyed. I’m annoyed with the whole leg shaving process. You get in a nice hot shower, loofa, slather on the shaving cream, and shave one […]
Grilled Pound Cake with Strawberry Sauce & Ricotta Cream & Giveaway
I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving. Like every year my kids love to help, so I put them to work and had them peel 15 pounds of potatoes. Child labor laws..whaaa? Again, I ate too much and could barely get my rings off that night. Like everyone else, I had left over desserts. Every […]
Folgers Winner
I’m wishing all of you and your families a delicious and wonderful Thanksgiving! I’ll be back to post next week with lots of giveaways! Tis’ the season. The winner of my Folgers Giveaway is
Peach Hand Pies w/ Melted Ice Cream Sauce & Giveaway
Peach season is in the summer, but have no fear, thanks to Libby’s canned peaches, you can have peaches all year long. The Holidays aren’t just for cherry or apple pies. How about Peach Hand Pies? Everyone can feel special with their own personal little pie. And since they are cute and mini, a sauce […]
Favorite Things Thursday
This might be a pricy Favorite Thungs Thursday, but it’s well worth it. It’s the Bose SoundDock and it’s amazing. I got this for my husband last year for Christmas. The sound that comes out of Bose products is amazing. It is always plugged in in the kitchen, so I can listed to my music […]
Egg and Sausage Cups
Tis’ the season for sharing right? Well I have the cutest neighbors. They are both in their 90’s That’s a lot of life experience. Crazy. Anyways, they have their church friends over every other Thursday to play cards. Everyone brings their own food, like half sandwiches in zip lock baggies and single servings of marshmallow […]
Folgers Gourmet Selections-Giveaway {$250}
Coffee, oh how I love thee. I CAN.NOT live without it. Don’t even speak to me unless I have had my first cup, actually better yet don’t even look at me… that I think about it, how about you don’t even breathe the same air as me. It’s that serious of a situation. Please tell […]
Whole Chicken in a Crock-Pot & Giveaway
Who doesn’t love a Crock-Pot?? Crazy people, that’s who. You know what a Crock-Pot is to me? A life saver. Seriously, we have some sort of activity 4-5 nights a week with baseball or gymnastics, so the fact that I can throw something in the Crock-Pot in the morning and have it ready when I […]
Favorite Things Thursday
I have one sister, and even though we are 4 years apart, we might as well be twins. We share everything…well except for toothbrushes, underwear and husbands. We know each others thoughts. We finish each others sentences. We unknolwlny use the same shampoo. We use the same camera. Had the same washer and dryer. Have […]