Seattle – BlogHer Food 2012

Not quite sure if I should call this post BlogHer Food 2012 or Add Cellulite to my thighs 2012 Tour. I mean seriously, all we did was eat and eat and eat…and these girls made me do roommates.

Seattle 012

From left to right we have, Darla from Bakingdom, Kristan from Confessions of a Cookbook Queen, Shelly from Cookies and Cups and me.

We had a blast. Truly love those girls.

It always amazes me how different a city can look in the daytime compared to the night.

Space Needle Collage

Seattle Collage 2

Seattle Collage 3

I took these photos from one of the many parties we attended. The day photos, I took at the Dole and Johnsonville parties hosted by Susan at Doughmesstic and Paula from Bell’alimento. And the nighttime photos I took during the Cameron Hughes Wine party hosted by the same great ladies. I sadly didn’t take any photos of the Zip List party hosted by Maria and Lori. I had been up for 24 hours at that point and thought I was dying.

Speaking of the Dole party, the fabulous Chef Ben Ford cooked for us. It was pretty awesome.

Seattle 013
Doesn’t he look like his Dad, Harrison Ford?

And based on some Facebook recommendations, we ate at the Pink Door.
I had the best chicken panini there. The restaurant was so cozy.

Seattle 001

Anytime you go to Seattle, Pikes Market is a must.

Seattle 002

Seattle 003

If you want to be in Mac and Cheese heaven, Beecher’s is the place to go. Ohhhhh my, it was divine.

Seattle 014

Oh and when 4 girls are hungry, the only thing to do is to go to Top Pot Doughnuts and get a dozen doughnuts. We gave it the ol collage try, but we only seemed to put a dent in them.

Seattle Collage 4

We ate cupcakes like it was nobodies business….We stopped at Yellow Leaf Cupcakes and gorged.

Yellow Leaf Cupcake

We also had a little Pj-Cupcake party in our room one night. In attendance was Amanda from Kevin and Amanda (she tortured us with all the cupcakes) Lori from Recipe Girl and Recipe Boy, Jenny from Picky Palate, Maria and family from Two PeasΒ , Shaina from Food for my FamilyΒ , Tara from UnsophisticookΒ and of course my sweet roommates.

So there you have it. I think I gained 9 pounds.


  1. looks like you had an amazing time! those donuts look fabulous!

  2. What a great conference, right? And it looks as if you had a great time. Can’t wait for the next one.

  3. LOVED your pics!! I used to live in Seattle & miss it, thanks for taking me back πŸ™‚

  4. What a joy! Never thought Seattle could be one culinary top spot. Love chicken panini and would certainly drop by at Pink Door. Great shots. Got my eye on your blog

  5. Looks like you had a fabulous time with friends and food! You can use the excuse that they made you do it…but I can only say the devil made me do it. πŸ™‚

  6. I serioulsy can’t believe all the food we consumed in 3 days. Illegal.

  7. I’m heart-broken I wasn’t there this year!!! Glad you had fun though. πŸ™‚

  8. Sounds amazing!

  9. I am SO sad I couldn’t make it this year. Next year I’ll be there for sure and you better be there too πŸ™‚ Looks like a great time! You’re one gorgeous mama.

  10. Had a great time hanging out with you, Leslie! Love the daytime/nighttime contrast photos.

  11. Looks like you had fun! I’ve never been to Blogher food but I am going to go next year. Do you have any tips/advice?