Archives for August 2009

Thrive Food Giveaway

Um, lets play a game. How many times does Leslie say “Um”???? The Answer….Um..TWENTY EIGHT! Good lord. Um, I think I need to work on that.Thrive Food Storage by Shelf Reliance To enter the contest, click HERE to visit their site and subscribe to the newsletter and to browse their wonderful Food Storage items. And come back to […]

Strawberry-Yogurt Swirl Popsicles

Kids and popsicles pretty much go hand in hand. Truth be told here in Florida, the second you walk outside, you get instant meltage with the color staining dye. So my tip to solve the problem of staining the clothes….do the white trash thing and send your kids out on the front porch, in their undies, […]

I got scammed..LESSON LEARNED!

I am going to try to keep this story short. Ohhhh and it is so not a short story.Back in December 2008, I was contacted by this “company”(and I say that loosely) to come on board with them to be their cooking personality. It was a huge web community that was going to be launched […]

Newest Video

**Now before you watch this, I must warn you I had a Brain Fart at the begining of the video. Cindy(the Host) asked the question“So, these are mini S’mores?”I respond by saying, “They am”ummmm…hello..what is “They am”??Oh well, you dont get a second chance with Live T.V.

Error in Spanish Bean Soup Recipe

Oh my lord. I do believe my children have seriously stolen my brain over the summer.For real, I have been sooo forgetful.Thanks to Foodycats question on my Spanish Bean Soup. How did my broth get its color?Well silly, look at the recipe, the color is from the paprika.Well who looks like the dumb ass now??? […]

Spanish Bean Soup

If my Texas Caviar didn’t make you fart enough, well I have the answer right here. Spanish BEAN soup. Do I need to remind you of the toon? “Beans, beans, the more you eat, the more you fart, the more you fart, the better you feel, so eat some beans at every meal!” So get […]

I am a dork

I have a wonderful friend, her name is Joanne. She reads my blog and has become my official proof reader. THANK GOD! My mind and fingers don’t often connect and I end up with many typos. So she pointed out that I left out one whole set of instructions in my last post. WHHHAAAA? Am […]

Pecan-Pretzel Crusted Chicken

ohhh…looky look who is using a a garnish!!!!! I know its just parsley and all..but still, just call me Mizz Fancy Pants. Let me tell you how AMAZING this chicken was..AMAZING! It is one of those dishes you can taste every ingredient, and they all went sooooo good together. Keep in mind that I did […]

Come see me at Sweetbay Supermarket

Come see me the Sweetbay Supermarket on the corner of Bruce B Downs and County Line Road in New Tampa.For all of you local folks, come on out to the Sweetbay Supermarket this Saturday August 15, 10am to 2 pm. “Healthy Living this School Year” is the theme for my cooking demonstrations. And don’t forget […]

Southwestern Egg Rolls

Seems like every restaurant you go to these days, there is some version of The Southwestern Egg Roll. I love them. Yes they are fried and yes they make my ass larger than life. But every once in a while wont hurt. Moderation people..moderation. One night I had a craving for them but didn’t want […]

New video.

Here is my latest video. They made me seem sooo serious in the editing room. And we all know I am not the serious type!Sorry I have been a bad blogger. My Google reader is at 776 unread posts. Ummmm, I don’t think I will be catching up any time soon. Who knew my little […]

And the winner is…..

Sorry I am late on announcing the winner life is crazy and I can’t even remember what day it is. hmm, did I brush my teeth today??? Oh yes, I did! See, I cant even remember simple hygiene! Random Integer GeneratorHere are your random numbers:16Timestamp: 2009-08-08 21:47:39 UTC Commenter 16 is Rebekah! Congrats me […]