This “salad” is named after my great-great-great Italian Grandma, Rosa Marina. God rest her soul. Ummmm. I lie..I don’t have a Great great grandma named Rosa Marina and I am pretty sure that I don’t have an ounce of Italian in me. But who ever this Rosa Marina Bee-otch is, she sure made a yummy […]
Archives for July 2009
Texas Caviar meat, no chocolate AND no butter??? What, have I completely lost my mind? I know you all must think I eat awful. But truly I don’t. Sure, I do splurge every once in a while, but I cant remember the last time I just baked up something for shits and giggles. Hasn’t been as […]
Thursday July 23rd
I will be on “Daytime” again on Thursday July 23rd. For my local readers it is on NBC at 10 am.Of my out of towners..check here to see if it is on in your area.I will do my best to get it on my site as soon as I can.If you missed my last segment […]
Creamy Chicken in Puff Pastry
Before you get turned off from the beige on beige picture, let me tell you about this delectable dinner. This is not what I started out to make. My original idea was to take chicken breasts, stuff them with a yummy cheese mixture and then completely wrap them in puff pastry sheets and bake them […]
REWARD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
$10,000,000.00 REWARD….. For the safe return of my metabolism in WORKING order. Thank you
My TV Segment is finally up for viewing!!
I finally got my TV segment on a DVD. Uh huh, I am sooooo computer illiterate I had to take it to a Video production company and have them get it in the right file form for me. So y’all owe my $22. I mean you can round it up to the nearest $100 if […]
Cute Giveaway!
While my kids are no longer babies, I still oogle over baby stuff in the stores. Seems like every year they come out with stuff that is soooo much more hip and trendy than the year before.So check out the Diaper Bag Diva. She has some SUPER cute stuff on her site.But it gets better..She […]