Isn’t it funny how STRONG the Crock Pot “Brand” is. It seems like all slow cookers are lumped into the name “Crock Pot”. My first slow cooker was a Crock Pot. I had it for many years and it served me well! A few month ago the ceramic liner got a crack in it, so I had to toss it!
I was totally fine with my loss..because that meant I could get a new shiny toy! Waho!!!!
I decided on the All-Clad 6 1/2 Qt. slow cooker! Its bad ass!!! I love shiny stuff! Especially diamonds! What??Did I say diamonds..husband are you reading this??? Hint Hint!!!
Anyhooooo…I love to cook in my slow cooker. Cant get much simpler than throwing all the junk in there in the morning and it being done in 8 hours without me having to do any work!!! Love it.
I decided on some BBQ shredded Beef with Whole Grain Buns!
I made these over the weekend. Too bad Jenny at the Picky Palate didn’t post her BBQ sauce recipe until today, cause I would have loved to have tried it! It looks soooo much better than the Bottled junk!
Here’s what you do..
3 1/2 lb organic chuck Roast
1 large bottle of BBQ sauce (or if your fancy..make your own)
Garlic Powder
Onion Powder
A gulg of vinegar
Rub the meat with the garlic powder, onion powder,salt and pepper. But the meat into the crock pot and cover it with the BBQ sauce and dump the vinegar in. SET IT AND FORGET IT!!
Set it on high for 7 hours.
Take the meat out after hour 7.
Shred it and get rid of all the fatty stuff! (Yucky)
Put it back into the crock pot and cook it on low for another hour!!
P.s…Sorry to my vegetarian readers..I always feel bad when I put up a meat post! I don’t want to gross anyone out.

Have you seen these Slow Cooker Liners???? OMG.. I will never cook anything in my slow cooker without them!! LOVE THEM! No cleaning of your Slow Cooker Required! NICE!!!
This is an awesome recipe…I would love to try this soon. We just bought an 8 lb brisket from a school kid so now bbq for us for a few weeks…I never thought to do this in the ol slow cooker!
Thanks so much
My crock pot is going on 14 years old. Maybe Santa will bring me one for Christmas. Your recipe looks simple but great!
Yum that looks delicious. Do you think it can be made not in a slow cooker. I know it would have to cook all day but maybe a dutch oven?
I love my crock pot and cannot wait to dust it off when winter finally rolls around!! Yours is very fancy.. I do tri tip and pork all the time in mine – practically melts in your mouth. Love this recipe – looks so yummy.
I should learn from you how to use it. Until now, I’ve only made chili in the crock pot.
Love it, love that it is finally starting to get a bit colder. I can’t wait to pull the all clad out, I have one too and love it!!!
Funny but this is the only dish I ever make in the crockpot! It’s da’ bomb!
Oh my lord…an All-Clad slow-cooker! I didn’t even know such a thing existed from All-Clad. I don’t think I could justify buying it though! I’ll just stick to the cheap $25 one I got from Target!
Everything tastes better from a Crock-Pot! I LOVE mine to death!
Even without Jenny’s sauce that looks great! I love shreded slow cooked meat. It’s really messy to eat but I just love how juicy it is and your looks exactly like I like it! The vegetarians can imagine is coleslaw, lol!
Oh yum, I love this kind of stuff! Congrats on your new ‘crock pot’! And diamonds, you are too funny! I loved this post!
Oh my dear Leslie, your post never fail to put a smile on my face and a delicious imagination on my head :-)hehe that photo is mouth-watering !
Gorgeous crock pot!
Look soo yummy Leslie, so appetizer! xGloria
OMG! I have GOT to go find those liners!! I adore cooking in my slow cooker by cleaning the dang thing is a pain. That sounds awesome!
I’m heading to the store after work.
Ooh, I need those crock pot liners…oh, and some diamonds wouldn’t hurt either! I love slow cooked bbq pork. My favorite is to cook it in root beer!
Love shredded beef…my husband would go crazy over these. I’ll have to make this when I get back from vacation. I love using my Crock Pot, I just bought those liners but haven’t tried them yet!
once the snow falls & I'm not doing bbq on the grill anymore I am so trying this.
This post of yours reminded me that I have a Slow Cooker somewhere in my attic… I definitely have to find it ASAP so I can try your recipe… looks so good… 🙂 the liners, wow… an awesome find…
BTW, I was tagged by Ning of Heart & Hearth… so I hope you don't mind, but I'm tagging you… :)I love to hear what you have to say…
Thanks Leslie…
Ohhhhhh … Ron and the boy would LOVE this. Maybe I’ll make it this weekend 😀
Yours looks beautiful Leslie! Love it! Now just take it and eat it on what I just posted!!
Whoa, that sucker is gorgeous. I never use my crock pot because everything sort of tastes the same. Evidently I do not know what I am doing. Perhaps I need to get married so I can have one of these.
I haven’t seen those liner bags. Great tip! Thanks!
i’m sure the vegetarians are used to seeing meat. it’s only natural. 🙂
oh, and crock pots are a frequent life-saver and an essential kitchen tool. 🙂
Looks delicious Leslie. I like simple and tasty recipes. My favorite way to cook is low and slow in the oven. My crock pot finally died a few years ago and my mother in law bought me a Dutch oven. I LOVE IT and use it all the time.
I have my eye on that slow-cooker and loved how shiny it was too! You lucky girl. I will have to pick up some of those liners because I hate cleaning that thing out! I am loving all these pork sandwich posts and yours looks fantastic.
I swear, Erika and I were just talking about this! I jsut got my new Williams-Sonoma catalog the other day and saw this baby! Holy Hot Stuff, Batman! I am drooling over the crock pot, not the BBQ. I’m not a big fan of BBQ.
OMG Les I have asked Santa for the All Clad crockpot! My crockpot died, and I do a lot of slow cooking in the winter, sooo let’s keep our fingers crossed that Santa remembers. It really isn’t a bad price for an All Clad you know?
Looks good, looks even tastier.
I love my crock pot…thanks for the recipe. I left ya a little award on my blog if ya want to check it out! 🙂
wow, that looks so awesome!! I will have to try those liners!
Donna in VA…..
Yes the slow cooker liners aare a MAJOR time saver..they are near the zip lock baggies!
My crockpot is under-utilized. Clearly I need to break it out more. I have NEVER seen those liners… but I HATE trying to clean the crockpot. Thanks for that great tip!
Looks beyond yummy!!!
YUM! Can I come over for dinner? LOL!
Pretty shiny crockpot!
You’re so right, a crock pot lasts for like 20 years. I my mom’s has like wallpaper or shag carpeting on it 🙂
BBQ that you can just forget about? Count me in 🙂
How come you don’t have me over for dinner more often. I have been eating DINNER DONE because I am so lazy!
Crockpot is a brand? Never realised. Mine is indispendable, but definitely not as pretty as yours. We’d starve most days without ours.
The recipe is brill! Real simple but I can imagine it’d be great!
that looks so yummy! Love your new pot!
YOu can’t beat the speed and convenience of a bottle of BBQ sauce and a hunk of meat for dinner in your slow cooker. Yours looks so delicious and love the whole wheat rolls you served it on.
I’m a barbecue snob in some ways, so I won’t comment on the fact that bbq sauce does not make barbecue. 🙂 However, I do think the crockpot is usually underused. I know mine is, and I’m happy with just about everything that is done in it, so I don’t know why I don’t use it. And I’ve got to try those liners; my wife will love them.
Maybe in October, I’ll try to use the crockpot at least once a week. Thanks for the inspiration.
Are you out of your fat jeans yet? MORE PASTRIES< DESSERTS AND COOKIES!!!!
Let us chant.
L e s l i e
L e s l i e
L e s l i e
Okay Leslie, the post is up that you are the winner of my “Paying It Forward” gift. I am so excited because I love everything that you will be getting. I don’t know what was more fun, getting my gift or selecting yours. Congratulations!!!
Do I even own a crock? Man, I think I do…I don’t think we’ve ever used it! Wow. I’m going to have to go on a kitchen expedition….
I am a vegetarian but I still found the pic inviting!
Oh well, i’ll scarmble some tofu or something instead of the beef 🙂
Oh yay – a new toy! That is one serious crock pot, girl!
Those liners…haven’t heard of those but HAVE to get some! Cool!
Hi Leslie,
Been admiring you from afar for a bit but saw the crock pot and had to jump in. I love this kind of cooking and your recipe looks delish. I am not big on onion/garlic powder but may get over that and try this.
That’s some juicy, flaky meat there…the slow cooker’s a beauty too!
I just found your blog by way of A Southern Grace. I have a slow cooker (which by the way I thought was just another name for crock pot!) but have only used it once. I don’t know what to do with it. I’m scared to just throw things in b/c I can’t really taste it as I go like with regular cooking. Anyway, this seems like a great recipe to try! I’m also going to look for that homemade sauce you mentioned on the other blog. Great Blog by the way!
Leslie- That looks delicious… I’ll have to give that a try since my oven’s baking ignitor is shot and I’m using only slow cookers and griddles and cook-tops until they ship the replacement part.
I use my slow-cookers (that’s right- I have two of them) so frequently that I’ve named them: Jude and Martha. For the patrons saints of lost causes and cooks, respectively. Is there a patron saint for the mother of five sons? I could use one…
I love my slow cooker too! I have the All Clad one with the cast iron insert, so I can sear stuff on the stove in it. My friends think I’m crazy for paying so much for one, but it was so worth it!
LOVE those liners! And I love pulled pork in a slow cooker! Perfect for easy dinner parties and I’m craving one right now!
The All-Clad slow cooker is about $175 and worth every penny! You can cook anything from this lovely rendition of BBQ to soups and casseroles. My favorite is making jam. Its so easy! Thanks for sharing.