A big thank you from me to YOU!


  1. VeggieGirl says:

    Leslie, I LOVED this post – so lovely!! And thank YOU for joining the blogging world, and for sharing your recipes :0)

  2. noble pig says:

    So sweet! Your welcome and thank you too!

  3. Clumbsy Cookie says:

    And aren’t you the cutest?! Thank YOU!

  4. Cathy C says:

    You are adorable – You have my word you keep cooking I will keep visiting!!


    PS – I mentioned you on my last post (hope that was ok) Cook book Publishers will be pissed off http://www.wheresmydamnanswer.com/WP02/?p=571

  5. Kristy - Where's My Damn Answer says:

    Cathy from our blog turned me onto your blog. Keep up the great work 😀

  6. Prudence - Cake Chica says:

    You are TOO welcome, girl!! Keep on cakin’! OR cookin’!!

  7. Awww you are too cute! And thank you for visiting my blog as well; always cherish it.
    There are some really good people on here aren’t there? I wish we all lived closer.

  8. Peter M says:

    Leslie, it’s my pleasure to drop by and see what you’re cooking. Thanks for opening up your kitchen and I must say, I melt when I hear that southern belle accent!

  9. dailydesignspot says:

    no thank you! haha.. thanks for sharing!

  10. Awwww, Leslie you are just the sweetest!

    Have a delicious day 🙂

  11. SteamyKitchen says:

    Wonderful video! Nice meeting you too…and yes, one day we’ll meet in person

  12. cute video! thanks for all of your wonderful posts! and thanks for visiting my blog too! 🙂

  13. Where have I been ? Why has it taken me so long to find your blog?! I’ll be back….;-)

  14. Bridgett says:

    What a fantastic idea for a personal post! Keep up the baking and I will definitely keep visiting for inspiration! Thanks for making the huge effort to share your creations with us.

  15. Dhanggit says:

    oh my dear leslie

    you are really sweet!! and you are definitely the prettiest and sexiest blogger for me 🙂 i love this video of yours dear..when will i see you cooking?

    ps, i had a virus in my computer for a week 🙁

    ps, and you are indeed nicole kidman LOL maybe even prettier

  16. chefectomy says:

    Hi Leslie,

    I am new to the blog world and just found you. Your food is simply gorgeous.

    I’ll definitely be back.


  17. You are too cute!

  18. Love the site. I don’t have a foodie site but
    I do love cooking healthy for my kiddos and seeing the other fun foodie sites! I will add a link to your site from mine if you do not mind and then check for new recipes often. Thanks for all your creativity!

  19. Zen Chef says:

    You're a cutie! 🙂
    Keep on cookin'& bloggin'. Welcome to the world of hungry bloggers! hehe.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Hi Leslie

    I found your blog through the Soap Queen’s blog owner of Bramblerry..I don’t have a cooking blog myself but do enjoy making tasty recipes for my family. I’m loving all your recipes..gotta try making pumpkin bread soon.